Check for memory leaks in C/C++ programs

A great tool for checking and tracing memory leaks is valgrind. I am using it very often and it helped me very much when I was writing the bfmd5 software. You can use it both for C and C++ programs. valgrind uses its own environment to check your program and gives you report for memory…More

How to change your Device Id in Android

I will show you how to change your device id in an avd or in a real Android phone. If you want to test this on an Android Virtual Device you just have to  follow the steps below. If you want to change your phone’s id then you must have your phone rooted. Why you might…More

Backup with WinRar/Batch Files and Task Scheduler in Windows

The last week we setup an internal site for the needs of the company. Although I prefer Linux, the server was running Windows 2003 so we had to go with this. When we finished the setup and the configuration the last thing we had to do was to find a way to backup our data.…More